Westminster Bookstore is having a 72-hour sale on the new book by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert. The book is
The is the Mission of the Church? Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission. The book is new, and obviously I don't know much about it. However, at Westminster's page for the book you can look at the first sixty pages of the book. Also, Michael Horton has a pretty glowing blurb for the book, if those sorts of things help in the decision-making:
"Christ is the greatest message in the world, and delivering it is the greatest mission. But are we losing our focus? Are we being distracted, sometimes even by good things? Zealous Christians disagree sharply today over the church’s proper ministry and mission. Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert bring us back to first things in an age of mission creep and distraction. Offering balanced wisdom, this book will give us not only encouragement but discomfort exactly where we all need it. It’s the kind of biblical sanity we need at this moment."
The current special is, if you buy one copy of the book, you get it for 63% off ($5.99) and if you buy five or more copies, you get it for 69% off ($4.99). This is a good deal when you consider that this is no tiny book (300+ pages).
The sale ends Saturday, Sept. 10th at 4:00 PM ET. Get the book
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