You may not have heard of this book, but it is Thomas Boston's wonderful exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. HIGHLY recommended! He has a brilliant discussion of union with Christ as the ground of justification as well.
Thomas Cartwright - Treatise of the Christian Religion
Thomas Watson - Puritan Gems
Basically an anthology of amazing Thomas Watson quotes.
Andrew Bonar - Biography of Robert Murray M'Cheyne
True, M'Cheyne was not a Puritan, but anyone who loves the Puritans will still want to read this book.
Thomas Watson - The Beatitudes
Thomas Watson - The Mischief of Sin
Thomas Watson - The Saint's Spiritual Delight
Watson shows himself here to be a proto-Piper.
Peter Martyr Vermigli - To the Duke of Somerset
A letter from the Italian Reformer in ye olde english.
Thank you for these. God's word is indeed eternal. Nothing like 'old' truth; only truth, if it indeed is