Now, here is what I find hilariously ironic. The director has become self-righteous in his condemnation of the MPAA, and actually claimed in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that "[The MPAA] are a very big and powerful — even though they’re evil — organization."
And here's what's hilarious: this is coming from a man who made a movie about a disfigured monstrosity who chases around teenagers with a belt-sander. A movie with decapitations galore, a movie with some of the most disgusting deaths that one could invent, and a movie that treats human beings - made in the image of God - like they are cattle. He is an absolutely picturesque illustration of Paul's words when he says of the wicked, "[They are] inventors of evil things." It is beyond laughable and also terrifying that the term 'evil' can be so malleably twisted. That someone like Green could possibly think it is acceptable to twist and misuse such a meaningful word simply to describe someone who gets in his way or prevents him from having what he wants is far short any known definition of evil. If the MPAA is 'evil' for favoring studio films over independent films, then what does that make Green for making such a wretched piece of depravity?
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