It's time for every blog on the planet to do top ten lists. Well, we're a blog, so here's my top ten list (not listed in order of importance!):
10. Sinclair Ferguson's Podcast.
Earlier on in my journey into Reformed Christianity, I thought there wasn't anything better than hearing R.C. Sproul's teaching. Then, once I got really into preaching, it was John Piper. However, as I've moved along and become more familiar with the real Presbyterian form of Reformed Christianity, I've begun much more to appreciate the preaching of Sinclair Ferguson, who became my favorite preacher of 2010.
9. Discovering Sherlock Holmes.
Since I cannot live on a diet of strictly theological reading, I discovered the novels of Dennis Lehane, whose work I simply adore. But a little after discovering Lehane's books, I started reading the real detective himself, Sherlock Holmes. Thanks to Project Gutenberg, I have every single Sherlock Holmes novel and short story that Doyle ever wrote, all in one convenient file on my Kindle. Whenever I feel like I've pushed my brain too far theologically, I go to the old standby. He is logical, exciting, jaded, and addicted to the poppy seed, so he's still a man with feet of clay. I absolutely adore Holmes and don't know what I'll do when I actually finish reading all of his adventures. Nothing will substitute, I'm afraid.
8. Reading The Marrow of Modern Divinity.
Although I am not even a fourth of the way through reading The Marrow, I do believe that this wonderful, amazing, rich book will be the greatest thing I have found this year. It doesn't get #1 though, because I haven't finished it yet.
7. Calvinist Hip-Hop.
There are few things as thrilling as finding out that there are literally rappers who do songs about penal substitutionary atonement and openly defend the doctrine of election in their music. Discovering the Pollen Posse (as they are called in some circles; think of tulips) was a terrific thrill and made 2010 a year to be reckoned with.
6. The Birth of My Daughter, Penelope.
She's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen. At least since the last child we had. Also, the fact that we were able to have this child at home and not in a hospital is a matter for praise, because it's the first time we've ever been able to actually pull it off.
5. Love/Hate Relationship With Social Media.
Social media is honestly one of the best and the worst things about 2010. On the one hand, I get to write on this blog, which is a thrill, and I am now friends with Charles Hodge on Facebook. On the other, I am quite convinced that my digital connectedness is affecting the way I think. If you don't believe me, read Nicholas Carr's book The Shallows. It's a terrifying book to read as a Christian, because you become aware of just how short the internet makes our attention spans.
4. Ditching piracy.
This was painfully bittersweet. I still don't like to talk about it.
3. Losing my interest in music.
See #4. When you can't get tons of music for free anymore, it has a way of helping you make idols out of other things instead.
2. The Amazon Kindle.
Don't believe me? Just look at my entry from December 29th. Everything I read, practically, is on the Kindle. Couple that with the constant free books from Reformation Trust, and you've got an invaluable addition to my reading repertoire.
1. Finding our church home at Heartland PCA.
This is easily #1. Easily. Something about discovering you're not the only Reformed person in the state of Kansas has a way of at once humbling you and at the same time strengthening you in unspeakable ways. Having opportunities to teach and contribute in a real Reformed church setting has been far more transformative for my family than I ever could have imagined. We got to join the church, see our children baptized, and enjoy the fellowship of fellow Reformed believers. I don't know what I'd do without the friends I have made. Arryn and I glorify God constantly for bringing us to Heartland, and especially for bringing me under the discipleship and care of Pastor Rick Franks, who is a constant encouragement to me in many respects.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
On Weed and Weed Substitutes
Posted by
Adam Parker
Some time back, a friend of mine from many years ago asked me a question regarding a "weed substitute" which has apparently been making the rounds. He wanted to know if it was Biblically permissible to smoke this substance if it was legal to do so.
We could discuss these issues in two different ways. The first way, which settles it easily, is to ask the question, "Is it legal?" If the answer is no, then there we go. Done deal. Romans 13 says that we must submit to the magistrate. This applies to marijuana, and therefore takes all of the thought out of the issue, doesn't it?
On the other hand, in only a few years, if we're really honest with ourselves, marijuana probably will become a legal substance, and so we as Christians need to decide at this moment what we will do with marijuana once it is no longer a banned substance. Since my friend asked about this legal substance "Blue Grass" (which I've never actually heard of), we ought to broaden the question and pretend that both marijuana and blue grass are both legal for the sake of discussion.
So we've got these two substances which we are not strictly prohibited from using, in terms of Biblical commands. Does it follow that we ought to partake of something, simply because it is NOT forbidden? Most would agree, I think, that this would be swinging the pendulum a bit too far. After all,
Then, the companion of Arryn's friend explained to me that he was a Christian and that he felt bad about having a gay relationship. He wanted to know what I thought about their relationship. Now, I can't remember exactly what I said, but I do recall that it was the wrong answer. It was the wrong thing to say in that situation, but for the first time in my life, I really, really regretted drinking. Ever since then, I have been so careful in my consumption of alcohol as to resemble a paranoid teetotaler.
The point of this story is that it is a foolish decision to use mind-altering substances - either legal or otherwise, as a Christian. My own reason for it is that 1 Peter says you must always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you. I now know from personal experience that ingesting some things can, in fact, inhibit our ability to live life to the glory of God and to consistently show the real Jesus to others.
So this answer is very broad. In short, I would argue that Blue Grass may be permissible, but it is not helpful, AND it does have the potential to enslave us.
Several years ago, I read an article by Douglas Wilson, "One Toke Over the Line," which I found very helpful in regard to this subject. I would be sore amiss if I did not mention it, since it goes much more in depth than I have done, here.
We could discuss these issues in two different ways. The first way, which settles it easily, is to ask the question, "Is it legal?" If the answer is no, then there we go. Done deal. Romans 13 says that we must submit to the magistrate. This applies to marijuana, and therefore takes all of the thought out of the issue, doesn't it?
On the other hand, in only a few years, if we're really honest with ourselves, marijuana probably will become a legal substance, and so we as Christians need to decide at this moment what we will do with marijuana once it is no longer a banned substance. Since my friend asked about this legal substance "Blue Grass" (which I've never actually heard of), we ought to broaden the question and pretend that both marijuana and blue grass are both legal for the sake of discussion.
So we've got these two substances which we are not strictly prohibited from using, in terms of Biblical commands. Does it follow that we ought to partake of something, simply because it is NOT forbidden? Most would agree, I think, that this would be swinging the pendulum a bit too far. After all,
“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 ESV).I think these verse by Paul here are very helpful when we're considering what we will ingest and why we will ingest it. Simply because we're not prohibited from using something does not justify its use. Paul seems concerned with two questions in particular:
1. Is it helpful?I used to be quite liberal about my own use of alcohol. When Arryn and I were living in Phoenix, a friend of hers from high school took us out to eat at a Japanese steak house. He brought his boyfriend along. Being a Biblical Christian who understands that alcohol is a gift of God, when he offered to buy us drinks, I heartily accepted. However, two sake-bombers later, I realized I may have made a huge mistake. I could feel my judgment slipping.
2. Will it enslave me?
Then, the companion of Arryn's friend explained to me that he was a Christian and that he felt bad about having a gay relationship. He wanted to know what I thought about their relationship. Now, I can't remember exactly what I said, but I do recall that it was the wrong answer. It was the wrong thing to say in that situation, but for the first time in my life, I really, really regretted drinking. Ever since then, I have been so careful in my consumption of alcohol as to resemble a paranoid teetotaler.
The point of this story is that it is a foolish decision to use mind-altering substances - either legal or otherwise, as a Christian. My own reason for it is that 1 Peter says you must always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you. I now know from personal experience that ingesting some things can, in fact, inhibit our ability to live life to the glory of God and to consistently show the real Jesus to others.
So this answer is very broad. In short, I would argue that Blue Grass may be permissible, but it is not helpful, AND it does have the potential to enslave us.
Several years ago, I read an article by Douglas Wilson, "One Toke Over the Line," which I found very helpful in regard to this subject. I would be sore amiss if I did not mention it, since it goes much more in depth than I have done, here.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
All the Books I Read in 2010
Posted by
Adam Parker
I started keeping track of all the books that I read this year. Since this is a book-themed blog, I thought it might be worth sharing. Notice how much fluff is in the list. That's because fluff books are easy to finish. All of the worthwhile books (such as Vos' Biblical Theology and Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics) never did get finished. I'm still working on the books that really matter.
1. Dennis Lehane - Shutter Island*
2. Dennis Lehane - Mystic River*
3. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - A Study in Scarlet*
4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Hound of the Baskervilles*
5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Sign of the Four*
6. Bryan Burrough - Public Enemies*
7. Ron Paul - End the Fed*
8. Erik Larson - The Devil in the White City*
9. L.E. Fletcher & E. Stover - The Guantánamo Effect*
10. George Orwell - 1984*
11. Jeff Lindsay - Dexter in the Dark*
12. Jeff Lindsay - Dearly Devoted Dexter*
13. Alister McGrath - The Dawkins Delusion
14. Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
15. Peter Demant - Islam vs Islamism
16. Dennis Lehane - A Drink Before the War*
17. Collin Hansen - Young, Restless, and Reformed*
18. John Owen - The Mortification of Sin in Believers*
19. Mark Driscoll - Pastor Dad*
20. H.G. Wells - When the Sleeper Wakes*
21. Craig R. Koester - Revelation and the End of All Things
22. N.T. Wright - Simply Christian*
23. Tom Farley, Jr. - The Chris Farley Show*
24. George Marsden - Jonathan Edwards: A Life*
25. Philip Pullman - The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ*
26. G.K. Chesterton - Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox*
27. Paul Johnson - Churchill*
28. Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan - The Strain*
29. Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan - The Fall*
30. John Piper - Don't Waste Your Life*
31. Washington Irving - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow*
32. St Anselm - Cur Deus Homo (God Became Man)*
33. R.C. Sproul - Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?*
34. Mark Noll - The Civil War as a Theological Crisis*
35. Mosab Hassan Yousef - Son of Hamas*
36. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes*
*Denotes the books I read on the Kindle. In other words, pretty much all of them.
1. Dennis Lehane - Shutter Island*
2. Dennis Lehane - Mystic River*
3. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - A Study in Scarlet*
4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Hound of the Baskervilles*
5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Sign of the Four*
6. Bryan Burrough - Public Enemies*
7. Ron Paul - End the Fed*
8. Erik Larson - The Devil in the White City*
9. L.E. Fletcher & E. Stover - The Guantánamo Effect*
10. George Orwell - 1984*
11. Jeff Lindsay - Dexter in the Dark*
12. Jeff Lindsay - Dearly Devoted Dexter*
13. Alister McGrath - The Dawkins Delusion
14. Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
15. Peter Demant - Islam vs Islamism
16. Dennis Lehane - A Drink Before the War*
17. Collin Hansen - Young, Restless, and Reformed*
18. John Owen - The Mortification of Sin in Believers*
19. Mark Driscoll - Pastor Dad*
20. H.G. Wells - When the Sleeper Wakes*
21. Craig R. Koester - Revelation and the End of All Things
22. N.T. Wright - Simply Christian*
23. Tom Farley, Jr. - The Chris Farley Show*
24. George Marsden - Jonathan Edwards: A Life*
25. Philip Pullman - The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ*
26. G.K. Chesterton - Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox*
27. Paul Johnson - Churchill*
28. Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan - The Strain*
29. Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan - The Fall*
30. John Piper - Don't Waste Your Life*
31. Washington Irving - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow*
32. St Anselm - Cur Deus Homo (God Became Man)*
33. R.C. Sproul - Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?*
34. Mark Noll - The Civil War as a Theological Crisis*
35. Mosab Hassan Yousef - Son of Hamas*
36. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes*
*Denotes the books I read on the Kindle. In other words, pretty much all of them.
How Not to Treat Your Congregation
Posted by
Adam Parker
There are so many things wrong with this story, I wouldn't know where to begin.
Pastor charged with burglarizing church member's home
Pastor charged with burglarizing church member's home
Monday, December 27, 2010
How Adam Violated All Ten Commandments
Posted by
Adam Parker

1. He chose himself another God when he follows the devil.From The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher
2. He idolized and deified his own belly; as the apostle's phrase is, "He made his belly his God."
3. He took the name of God in vain, when he believed him not.
4. He kept not the rest and estate wherein God had set him.
5. He dishonoured his Father who was in heaven ; and therefore his days were not prolonged in that land which the Lord his God had given him.
6. He massacred himself and all his posterity.
7. From Eve he was a virgin, but in eyes and mind he committed spiritual fornication.
8. He stole, like Achan, that which God had set aside not to be muddled with; and this his stealth is that which troubles all Israel, the whole world.
9. He bear witness against God, when he believed the witness of the devil before him.
10. He coveted an evil covetousness, like Ammon, which cost him his life, and all his progeny.
In Christ Alone by Sinclair Ferguson Free on Kindle Today
Posted by
Adam Parker

Noted theologian, pastor, and educator Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson explores aspects of the person and work of Jesus in his latest book, In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life. This collection of articles, published earlier in Tabletalk magazine and Eternity Magazine, is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives. In fifty short chapters arranged in six sections, Dr. Ferguson shows that Christ, who is fully God, took on humanity that He might be the Great High Priest of His people as well as the once-for-all sacrifice; that He now ministers to His people through His Spirit, crowning them with great and precious blessings; and that believers are called to duty, from cultivating contentment to mortifying sin. In Christ Alone is packed full of nuggets of Scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer s love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His person and so faithful in His work on behalf of His beloved sheep.One of the big advantages of this book is that is is composed of 50 short chapters which read well for use in devotions. With chapters such as "Union with Christ," "Playing the Second Fiddle Well," and "The Practice of Mortification," I am very excited to dig into Ferguson's book.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Real Conversation That I Just Had...
Posted by
Adam Parker
PHARMACIST: Alright sir, your son's prescription is ready; I just need to know his birthday so I can confirm the sale.
ME: Uh... I don't know his birthday.
PHARMACIST: Well, I need his birthday, or else I can't give this to you.
ME: Well, I can tell you what year Jonathan Edwards was kicked out of his church.
PHARMACIST: Unfortunately, that won't help us get you your prescription.
ME: It won't help you do a lot of things.
ME: Uh... I don't know his birthday.
PHARMACIST: Well, I need his birthday, or else I can't give this to you.
ME: Well, I can tell you what year Jonathan Edwards was kicked out of his church.
PHARMACIST: Unfortunately, that won't help us get you your prescription.
ME: It won't help you do a lot of things.
Friday, December 24, 2010
God's Grace vs. Allah's Justice
Posted by
Adam Parker

What follows is the passage where Yousef describes first meeting Jesus in the pages of the New Testament:
I understood that we all share the same common enemies: greed, pride, and all the bad ideas and the darkness of the devil that live inside us. That meant I could love anyone. The only real enemy was the enemy inside me. Five years earlier, I would have read the words of Jesus and thought, What an idiot! and thrown away the Bible. But my experiences with my crazy butcher neighbor, the family members and religious leaders who beat me when my father was in prison, and my own time at Megiddo [a prison] had all combined to prepare me for the power and beauty of this truth. All I could think in response was, Wow! What wisdom this man had! Jesus said, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1). What a difference between him and Allah! Islam’s god was very judgmental, and Arab society followed Allah’s lead. Jesus rebuked the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees, and I thought of my uncle. I remembered a time when he received an invitation to attend a special event and how angry he had been that he was not given the best seat. It was as though Jesus was talking to Ibrahim and every sheikh and imam in Islam. Everything Jesus said on the pages of this book made perfect sense to me. Overwhelmed, I started to cry.I recommend this book very highly. Although I have not finished reading it yet, I know that the church needs to hear Yousef's story.
Mosab Hassan Yousef
in his book Son Of Hamas
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Free Richard D. Phillips Book for Kindle
Posted by
Adam Parker

In What's So Great About the Doctrines of Grace?, the Rev. Richard D. Rick Phillips shows that the doctrines of grace, those theological tenets more popularly known as the five points of Calvinism, are comforting, faith-strengthening, and humbling teachings. In six short chapters, Rev. Phillips demonstrates conclusively from Scripture that this view of salvation exalts God and makes plain His great love for man, which drove Him to do all that was necessary to redeem a people for Himself. In his opening chapter, Rev. Phillips cites the calling of Isaiah the prophet to show that a proper understanding of the sovereignty of God leads to a willingness to serve, a humble obedience to God s commands, a holy boldness, and a firm reliance on sovereign, saving grace. Then, over the next five chapters, he deals with the five doctrines of grace one by one-total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints providing thorough explanations, answering objections, and showing how the doctrines advance Christian living. What's So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? is a compact, highly readable treasure chest of scriptural wisdom.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thomas Boston: Union With Christ and Communion
Posted by
Adam Parker

If this union be not a true and real one, but a mere relative one, the sacrament of the supper is but a bare sign, and not a seal, exhibiting and applying Christ to believers. For without this real union, the feeding on Christ's body and blood truly and really in the sacrament cannot be; which yet is the doctrine of the scriptures, and of our Larger Catechisms, proved from the words of institution, 'Take, eat, this is my body.' For if there be a true and real feeding, there must be a true and real union, as there is betwixt the food and our bodies into which it is incorporated.The only way in which we truly take the Lord's body and blood is spiritually. As Boston points out, communion involves taking Jesus into us and being spiritually united to him. If we are not truly united to Christ by faith, then, Boston is arguing, we cannot be said to spiritually partake of Jesus in communion, either, in any true sense.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tron Legacy and the Ontological Trinity
Posted by
Adam Parker

According to Edwards, Jesus is the perfect image of the Father:
Therefore as God with perfect clearness, fullness and strength, understands Himself, views His own essence (in which there is no distinction of substance and act but which is wholly substance and wholly act), that idea which God hath of Himself is absolutely Himself. This representation of the Divine nature and essence is the Divine nature and essence again: so that by God's thinking of the Deity must certainly be generated. Hereby there is another person begotten, there is another Infinite Eternal Almighty and most holy and the same God, the very same Divine nature.In support of this understanding, Edwards cites 2 Cor. 4:4; Phil. 2:6; Col. 1:15; and Heb. 1:3. Now, for Edwards and Augustine, the relationship of Father to Son is one of love, eternally generated by the Father having an eternal, infinite, perfect, and ceaseless love of His own being. Note that there was a never a moment in time when this relationship began; it is an eternal one and has always existed.
In this respect, the comparison between the Father/Son and Flynn/C.L.U. does break down. Flynn and C.L.U. are not related by love, and are strictly temporal in their relationship. Nevertheless, it is helpful to consider Jesus, who is a perfect image of a perfect Father; and then contrast him with C.L.U. who is a perfect image of the imperfect creator of The Grid. With C.L.U., we have a perfect Tyrant, distributing justice and ruling with a mechanistic iron fist. With Christ, we have a perfect Savior, knowing his Father's will perfectly, and reflecting his father perfectly in all that He does.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Nature and Grace Conflict in Malick's The Tree of Life
Posted by
Adam Parker

Here is the official synopsis for the film:
From Terrence Malick, the acclaimed director of such classic films as Badlands, Days of Heaven and The Thin Red Line, The Tree of Life is the impressionistic story of a Midwestern family in the 1950’s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father (Brad Pitt). Jack (played as an adult by Sean Penn) finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith. Through Malick’s signature imagery, we see how both brute nature and spiritual grace shape not only our lives as individuals and families, but all life.The way that the movie appears to set nature against grace is interesting, but judging from some things I've read from the elusive Malick in other places, it appears that the movie is set to bring nature and grace together, concluding in some respect that brute nature is unendurable apart from grace and forgiveness. It does appear that forgiveness is an integral part of the storyline.
As with all of Terrence Malick's movies, don't expect this to be a straightforward polemic advocating one specific view of the universe (as an example, Jesus probably won't be making an appearance; but neither will Buddha or Mohammed). Rather, it has always appeared to me that Malick's films are designed to cause the audience to interact with the story, to consider what they're seeing, and think about the nature of the universe. His films always cause me, for example, to think about and reflect on the pain, brevity, and beauty of life, as well as to glorify God for the short time he has given us, seeing every moment as the gift that it is. I'm looking forward to offering my thoughts on this beautiful film on May 28th, God-willing - the day after it hits theatres. It will not get here too soon.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Lasserre On Calvin's Advice to the Huguenots
Posted by
Adam Parker

A striking example of how hard it is to draw a line between lawful and unlawful war is to be found in Calvin's tergiversations on whether French Protestants might defend themselves by arms against their enemies, the Dukes of Guise. The day after the massacre of Vassy, he frankly encouraged and helped the Huguenots to organise their army, finding many fine pretexts, resting on great principles, to authorise such action. But quite soon afterwards, in April 1563, he wrote: "I shall always recommend that arms be abandoned and that we should all perish rather than return to the confusions that have been experienced."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Joel Beeke's Living for God's Glory Free Today on Kindle
Posted by
Adam Parker

The theological system known as Calvinism is often caricatured or simply dismissed as a relic of the past. But as Dr. Joel R. Beeke shows us in this comprehensive treatment, Calvinism, also known as Reformed theology, is biblical, God-centered, heartfelt, winsome, and practical. As such, it is uniquely suited to help Christians fulfill the purpose for which they were created-to live to the glory of God.This is a pretty substantial volume, weighing in at over 400 pages in the print edition. As a matter of fact, I just saw someone bring this book to our church's mens' theology night, and I immediately felt something akin to joy when I saw that Reformation Trust had made it available for free, today.
With the gifted help of eight contributors, Dr. Beeke traces the roots of Calvinism and sets forth its doctrinal distinctives, then explores how Calvinists live out their beliefs in every sphere of life, from their private devotions to their service in the church, from their marriages to their careers, from politics to ethics. Through the examples of John Calvin himself, the Puritans, and other Calvinists of the past, this God-exalting belief system emerges as a timeless guide for Christian living.
The book's contributors: Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson, Dr. James M Grier, Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin, Dr. Nelson D. Kloosterman, Rev. Ray b. Lanning, Dr. Robert W. Oliver, Ray Pennings, and Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hermeneutical Face-Offs During the Civil War
Posted by
Adam Parker

On the flip-side, it is clear to me that there were, in fact, people who opposed American Black Slavery as experienced in the south who, through reasoned arguments and Biblical examination demonstrated (certainly to my satisfaction!) that slavery ought to be ended. These voices, however, were drowned out by the more popular - albeit less Biblically focused - advocates of abolition. In the end, the narrative which most people tended to believe was that, by the letter of the Scriptures, the slaveholders won the field, but that everything in the ethics of Christ and his followers screamed for abolition. In the end, those are the sorts of generalities that tend to appeal to historians - as well as the populace as a whole, which years for a simplistic narrative explanation for the events surrounding the civil war.
- The theological agenda of the abolitionists was often perceived as a reason-first approach (as opposed to a Bible-first approach) that was seen as involving compromised views of Scripture. This was partially because a few of the defenders of abolition did, in fact, hold compromised views of Scripture.
- The southerners, such as Thornwell, seized on these opportunities to overgenerally point out that their abolitionist views stemmed from a flawed view of the Bible.
- Any views which were more middle of the road and which involved a nuanced critique of Hebrew slavery versus black-only American slavery were simply lumped together with the other Enlightenment-inspired arguments, which tended to appeal more to the genuine democratic spirit than to Biblical texts.
On the eve of the Civil War, interpretations of the Bible that made the most sense to the broadest public were those that incorporated the defining experiences of America into the hermeneutics used for interpreting what the infallible text actually meant. In this effort, those who like James Henley Thornwell defended the legitimacy of slavery in the Bible had the easiest task. The procedure, which by 1860 had been repeated countless times, was uncomplicated. First, open the Scriptures and read, at say Leviticus 25:45, or, even better, at 1 Corinthians 7:20-21. Second, decide for yourself what these passages mean. Don’t wait for a bishop or a king or a president or a meddling Yankee to tell you what the passage means, but decide for yourself. Third, if anyone tries to convince you that you are not interpreting such passages in the natural, commonsensical, ordinary meaning of the words, look hard at what such a one believes with respect to other biblical doctrines. If you find in what he or she says about such doctrines the least hint of unorthodoxy, as inevitably you will, then you may rest assured that you are being asked to give up not only the plain meaning of Scripture, but also the entire trust in the Bible that made the country into such a great Christian civilization.By Noll's estimate, the abolitionist agenda was often (and for the most part) badly argued. Many of its advocates utilized a compromised methodology and in the end, the overall image of the abolitionist movement was one which serious Bible-believers were told they could not abide.
In the end, the 'Reason First, Bible Second' hermeneutic that carried the day when the Civil War ended. This hermeneutical transition was already well under way into the American mindset before the war, to be sure. However, the violence of the civil war cemented this approach to Biblical interpretation once and for all into the American psyche. Sadly, as Noll points out, the issues were not in the end decided by the theologians or philosophers - the were argued and settled by the generals and their men.
One of the more fascinating chapters in the book was near the end when Noll reviewed the opinions of Roman Catholics from outside the United States. It is interesting, and yet not at all surprising that the RCs very much concluded that the civil war was the fault of Protestant hermeneutics and a lack of authoritative church structures (as though there had never been civil wars in Roman Catholic lands!).
This book filled a large blank-spot in my understanding of American - and especially Presbyterian history. For, example, I did not know that Thornwell held that blacks were literally inferior to whites. I could not have imagined that such a respected Presbyterian theologian would actually say the kinds of things that Thornwell evidently said. On the flip-side, I was surprised at how fair-minded Hodge seemed to be with regards to his opinion of men like Thornwell. Princeton's Charles Hodge, on the other hand, defended abolition and at the same time seemed to intone that if he had found himself in the south he might just be defending slavery, himself.
Friday, December 10, 2010
How I Get Edwards and Co. on My Kindle
Posted by
Adam Parker
I have been getting requests via e-mail from our readers for some time, now, for me to explain how it is, exactly, that I am putting the Puritans that we find on the internet into my Amazon Kindle. I am now going to fulfill my promises to eventually explain how I go about doing this somewhat tedious, yet very rewarding task.
What You Will Need:
Typically, I have been finding the writings of the Puritans (or other old dead guys who rock) in several different formats. If you go somewhere like Google Books, you will be sorely disappointed with the text, because most of them are not convertable to your Kindle in any readable format, since they tend to scan first editions of books that look horrible. Someone down the road could convert those books using a program like ABBYY Fine Reader, but it would be very tedious work.
Another place you might be tempted to find books to put on your Kindle might be the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Unfortunately I've stopped looking for books there because of the fact that a fifty-chapter book there gets broken down one page at a time and you end up having to highlight and copy and paste way too much. They even create individual pages for chapter headings, which is insane. However, after I explain how I make my books, someone out there may be willing to put the work into messing with CCEL. I don't mean to knock CCEL, but the way they format their books is designed to keep you glued to their site.
Here are the places where I've found the most helpfully formatted texts to work with:
Putting Pre-formatted HTML Text on Your Kindle:
Maybe down the road I'll deal with the more complex formats like PDF and EPUB, but for now I'm going to explain how to do the simplest conversion that you'll run into the most.
What you want to look for is a web page that, when you click on it, displays the extension ".htm" or ".html" at the top in your browser bar. For today's example, I found John Owen's A Display of Arminianism at Monergism, so we'll use that page as our working example. Now, the first thing to notice is that yes, it's going to be annoying copying the chapters one at a time. Deal with it. No pain, no gain. Many books out there such as Richard Sibbes' wonderful book The Bruised Reed are absolutely perfect and put all of the text on one page. But this is the exception. Most stuff you will find is broken down chapter by chapter.
Step One:
Open Microsoft Word and start a new document (make sure your version of Word allows you to save in HTML format. This is important if you want your e-Book to look nice and not be formatted all screwy.)
Step Two:
Copy the text of the Title and Table of Contents first into Word. Then go back to the web page and open chapter one and do the same thing. Copy and paste the entire content of the book into Microsoft Word until you've got all the pages of the book now resting comfortably and in order in your Word document.
Step Three:
Format the book to your satisfaction. The formatting decisions you make (such as font size and italics) will translate over once we do this conversion. I try to format all the text to 12 pt. font. You can also get very elaborate if you want. For example, if you want to create a Table of Contents that you can actually jump throughout the book from chapter to chapter, then you will have to use Word to create bookmarks within the body of the book, and then create hyperlinks within the Table of Contents linking it with the bookmarks you've place throughout the book. It's a lot of work, I won't lie, but I'm getting pretty fast at it, now. One specific formatting decision that I always make, aside from linking within the Table of Contents, is that I always insert "Page Breaks" within the book at the end of each chapter of the book, because then each chapter always starts on a fresh, new page. It's the little things like this that make reading old dead guys on your e-Reader a much more palatable proposition.
Step 3.5: I should add that if you don't have Word, you aren't completely out of luck. You can just save the book as a TXT file using something like Wordpad, or some simple text editor. The only downside is, you get no formatting, no hyperlinks, no nothing. But if you do the simple TXT file, you can just copy it straight into your Kindle's Documents folder and start reading without even needing to convert it into an e-Book format.
Step Four:
After you have finished formatting the text to your satisfaction, to to "File" "Save As" and from the drop down menu where you can select the format to save your Word Document in, save the file, first, as a regular Word Doc so that you will be able to, down the road, fix errors, or fix formatting that you might have missed, down the road. After this, save the file as "Web Page (HTM, HTML)" file. This format best preserves the formatting, and works flawlessly when it gets run through Calibre, which we're about to do.
Step Five:
Open Calibre. Calibre is a free e-book software that is very good for converting files between different e-reader formats. It's my program of choice for converting EPUB files to Kindle's format, as well, and the steps are almost identical to what we're about to do, except you're doing it with EPUB files instead of HTML files.
Step Six:
Copy the HTML file you've just created into Calibre. Just drag and drop the file into the main window. After that, in Calibre, right click on the file you're dealing with and select "Edit Meta Information" and then "Edit Meta Information Individually." Here is where you get the book's title and author information exactly right. I highly recommend putting the author's name last name first, because then your Kindle will keep your author list in order, which is pretty nice. I'm sort of a picky stickler for this kind of stuff, though, and I do have a lot of books to keep organized, so if you don't care about these small details, then just skip this step. But it's not a very good idea...
Step Seven:
Right click on your file in Calibre and choose "Open Containing Folder." When Calibre converts your file, it will show up here as a ".mobi" file.
Step Eight:
Right click on the file in Calibre and choose "Convert e-Books" and then "Convert Individually." When the menu comes up, the most important thing is to make sure that the "Output Format" has MOBI selected. Once you're happy with what you see on this page, click OK. It may take a few minutes depending on your computer and the size of the book you are converting, but when it's all done you'll have a nice baby e-book formatted to a Kindle-ready format.
Step Nine:
Plug in your Kindle, open the Kindle's directory and find the folder called "Documents." Copy your new e-book into that folder, and when you unplug your Kindle, you will now be able to review your e-book, making sure you're happy with the way you formatted it.
Step Ten:
Glorify God for giving the internet and the Kindle to his church for her joy and worship of God. Glorify Him that we Reformed Christians can live in a day and age where we can freely share with one another the fruits of the labors of all the church for the last two thousand years.
What You Will Need:
- An Amazon Kindle
- Microsoft Word 2007
- Calibre. It is a free program.
Typically, I have been finding the writings of the Puritans (or other old dead guys who rock) in several different formats. If you go somewhere like Google Books, you will be sorely disappointed with the text, because most of them are not convertable to your Kindle in any readable format, since they tend to scan first editions of books that look horrible. Someone down the road could convert those books using a program like ABBYY Fine Reader, but it would be very tedious work.
Another place you might be tempted to find books to put on your Kindle might be the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Unfortunately I've stopped looking for books there because of the fact that a fifty-chapter book there gets broken down one page at a time and you end up having to highlight and copy and paste way too much. They even create individual pages for chapter headings, which is insane. However, after I explain how I make my books, someone out there may be willing to put the work into messing with CCEL. I don't mean to knock CCEL, but the way they format their books is designed to keep you glued to their site.
Here are the places where I've found the most helpfully formatted texts to work with:
- The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale (Not the easiest site to do this conversion with, but the content is second to none, and it's totally worth it to have Edwards on your Kindle!)
- Puritan (Probably the BEST site I've found to get lots of Puritans on. My only warning is that they have a lot of supposed "Kindle" files that are actually unreadable because they were scanned and then quick-converted for Kindle, and there was no proofreading done. If you want a clean book that doesn't have formatting problems, then I would stay away from the "Kindle" files and the "EPUB" files that they have up there.)
- Monergism (They have amazing content. Most of it is formatted in traditional internet-style HTML, which is ideal for what I'm about to demonstrate for you all.)
- This list could go way longer.
Putting Pre-formatted HTML Text on Your Kindle:
Maybe down the road I'll deal with the more complex formats like PDF and EPUB, but for now I'm going to explain how to do the simplest conversion that you'll run into the most.
What you want to look for is a web page that, when you click on it, displays the extension ".htm" or ".html" at the top in your browser bar. For today's example, I found John Owen's A Display of Arminianism at Monergism, so we'll use that page as our working example. Now, the first thing to notice is that yes, it's going to be annoying copying the chapters one at a time. Deal with it. No pain, no gain. Many books out there such as Richard Sibbes' wonderful book The Bruised Reed are absolutely perfect and put all of the text on one page. But this is the exception. Most stuff you will find is broken down chapter by chapter.
Step One:
Open Microsoft Word and start a new document (make sure your version of Word allows you to save in HTML format. This is important if you want your e-Book to look nice and not be formatted all screwy.)
Step Two:
Copy the text of the Title and Table of Contents first into Word. Then go back to the web page and open chapter one and do the same thing. Copy and paste the entire content of the book into Microsoft Word until you've got all the pages of the book now resting comfortably and in order in your Word document.
Step Three:
Format the book to your satisfaction. The formatting decisions you make (such as font size and italics) will translate over once we do this conversion. I try to format all the text to 12 pt. font. You can also get very elaborate if you want. For example, if you want to create a Table of Contents that you can actually jump throughout the book from chapter to chapter, then you will have to use Word to create bookmarks within the body of the book, and then create hyperlinks within the Table of Contents linking it with the bookmarks you've place throughout the book. It's a lot of work, I won't lie, but I'm getting pretty fast at it, now. One specific formatting decision that I always make, aside from linking within the Table of Contents, is that I always insert "Page Breaks" within the book at the end of each chapter of the book, because then each chapter always starts on a fresh, new page. It's the little things like this that make reading old dead guys on your e-Reader a much more palatable proposition.
Step 3.5: I should add that if you don't have Word, you aren't completely out of luck. You can just save the book as a TXT file using something like Wordpad, or some simple text editor. The only downside is, you get no formatting, no hyperlinks, no nothing. But if you do the simple TXT file, you can just copy it straight into your Kindle's Documents folder and start reading without even needing to convert it into an e-Book format.
Step Four:
After you have finished formatting the text to your satisfaction, to to "File" "Save As" and from the drop down menu where you can select the format to save your Word Document in, save the file, first, as a regular Word Doc so that you will be able to, down the road, fix errors, or fix formatting that you might have missed, down the road. After this, save the file as "Web Page (HTM, HTML)" file. This format best preserves the formatting, and works flawlessly when it gets run through Calibre, which we're about to do.
Step Five:
Open Calibre. Calibre is a free e-book software that is very good for converting files between different e-reader formats. It's my program of choice for converting EPUB files to Kindle's format, as well, and the steps are almost identical to what we're about to do, except you're doing it with EPUB files instead of HTML files.
Step Six:
Copy the HTML file you've just created into Calibre. Just drag and drop the file into the main window. After that, in Calibre, right click on the file you're dealing with and select "Edit Meta Information" and then "Edit Meta Information Individually." Here is where you get the book's title and author information exactly right. I highly recommend putting the author's name last name first, because then your Kindle will keep your author list in order, which is pretty nice. I'm sort of a picky stickler for this kind of stuff, though, and I do have a lot of books to keep organized, so if you don't care about these small details, then just skip this step. But it's not a very good idea...
Step Seven:
Right click on your file in Calibre and choose "Open Containing Folder." When Calibre converts your file, it will show up here as a ".mobi" file.
Step Eight:
Right click on the file in Calibre and choose "Convert e-Books" and then "Convert Individually." When the menu comes up, the most important thing is to make sure that the "Output Format" has MOBI selected. Once you're happy with what you see on this page, click OK. It may take a few minutes depending on your computer and the size of the book you are converting, but when it's all done you'll have a nice baby e-book formatted to a Kindle-ready format.
Step Nine:
Plug in your Kindle, open the Kindle's directory and find the folder called "Documents." Copy your new e-book into that folder, and when you unplug your Kindle, you will now be able to review your e-book, making sure you're happy with the way you formatted it.
Step Ten:
Glorify God for giving the internet and the Kindle to his church for her joy and worship of God. Glorify Him that we Reformed Christians can live in a day and age where we can freely share with one another the fruits of the labors of all the church for the last two thousand years.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thomas Watson Rejects Clean-Nosed Living
Posted by
Adam Parker

If you are only negatively good, God makes no reckoning of you; you are as so many ciphers in God's arithmetic, and he writes down no ciphers in the book of life. Take a piece of brass, though it be not such bad metal as lead or iron, yet not being so good as silver, there is little reckoning made of it, it will not pass for current coin ; though thou art not profane, yet not being of the right metal, wanting the stamp of holiness upon thee, thou wilt never pass current, God slights thee, thou art but a brass christian.We are missing something, he says. Watson is careful to explain that verse two of Psalm 1 holds the true key to making sense of the Christian life. After seeing the list of "negative behaviors" or things that the Christian is not to do, in verse one, verse two brings us further into the light: "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." As Watson explains, it is a life of delight in God which brings wholeness to our Christian experience.
I think of how easy it is for us - even those of us who know better - to slip into a pattern of sin avoidance and clean nosed living. As Luther once told his people, "I keep preaching the Gospel for you, because you keep on forgetting it!" We often begin to believe that such a way of living is sufficient. But if we are not driven by a delight in God and His law, then we are walking in hypocrisy and we are as unpleasing in our sacrifices as Cain, who offered his sacrifice out of duty and not out of delight.
But it is not thus with a hypocrite; he may be forced to do that which is good, but not to will that which is good ; he doth not serve God with delight.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Free Books From Jerry Bridges and Sproul Today for Kindle
Posted by
Adam Parker
Two books have been made available for free, today in the Kindle Store. Navpress has made available, for free, Jerry Bridge's book Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts. Also, Reformation Trust has made available, today only, R.C. Sproul's book Can I Know God's Will?
Jerry Bridge's Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts discusses God's sovereignty over evil and suffering, and about the rock-solid trust we can have in the goodness of God through it all. From the book's cover:
R.C. Sproul's Can I Know God's Will? is the fourth book in the Crucial Questions series. Having just finished reading another book from this series (Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?), I can attest to the brevity and quality of these books. If the title of Can I Know God's Will? isn't clear enough about the subject matter, here is the official product description:

Adversity is hard to endure and can even be harder to understand. If God were really in control, why would He allow the tragic auto accident or crucial job loss? How could He permit cancer in a loved one or the death of a child? Grappling with His concern for us we ask, “Why is God allowing this?” or “What have I done wrong?”
In an effort to strengthen his own trust in God during a time of adversity, Jerry Bridges began a lengthy Bible study on the topic of God’s sovereignty. What he learned changed his life, and he now shares the fruit of that study with you in Trusting God. As you begin to explore the scope of God’s power over nations, nature, and the detailed lives of individuals, you’ll begin to acknowledge His loving control. And as you come to know Him better, you’ll find yourself trusting Him more completely—even when life hurts.

As human beings, we long to know that our lives will unfold in ways that we will find pleasant and rewarding. As Christians, we have a different focus-we want our lives to be pleasing to God. Thus, we ponder His will and worry that we are not doing what He wants us to do. In this Crucial Questions booklet, Dr. R. C. Sproul outlines timeless principles for discovering and applying the will of God in day-to-day decisions. He then illustrates how these principles should inform two of the most significant decisions we face in life--the choice of a career and the choice of a spouse. Here is valuable guidance for those who are passionate to follow God.Please note that you should read the page that the link takes you to carefully, as I can only be sure the books have been made free for December 6th. Once this date passes, it is very likely that both books will go back to their regular prices.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Exegetical Commentary on Ephesians
Posted by
Josh Walker

At the outset, I want to state my appreciation for this series in general. I really like the way these commentaries have been done. At least two reasons come to mind: First, the ECNT commentaries use the Greek font, which I appreciate since I have always found transliterations to be useless. If you do not know Greek, then in what sense are transliterations even helpful? And if you do know Greek it is frustrating to read Greek in English characters. Second, to my knowledge, this is the first commentary series to use charts that show the relationship between clauses, which should be a very helpful feature.
Aside from the ECNT series itself, I do have some comments to make about this particular volume: The first thing that caught my eye was its immense size, which is a whooping 508 pages of raw commentary, not even including the index. This is one of the largest Ephesians commentaries on the market and the space is not wasted! Each section of Ephesians is examined from different angles: literary context, main idea, translation and graphical layout, structure, exegetical outline, explanation of the text, and theological application. The readers of this blog would also be interested to know that he does deal with Ephesians 1:3-11 in a very "Calvinistic" way.
All and all, I think this is a great addition to the corpus of commentaries on Ephesians and I look forward to using it in my future work on Paul in general and Ephesians in particular.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
"God Is Love" and Election
Posted by
Adam Parker
There is a question which I hear a lot. I hear it often enough that it deserves some attention. The question is, to state it plainly, about the doctrine of election and the doctrine of God's love. If election is true, then how does God call Himself love when the majority of His creation is going to be separated from Him for all eternity?
The first thing to do when approaching this question is to get the concepts right from the get-go. When most people hear the phrase "God is love," they think to themselves that it means "God loves me." In reality, it is a statement that is rooted in the ontology (the nature) of God's very character. If God is love, then He has always eternally been love; and this love cannot be predicated merely upon the existence of human beings. Otherwise, John would have rooted the concept of God's love in mankind. Rather, the Apostle John says, "God is love." God loves Himself, and has always loved Himself. All of his action reflects a love of and a commitment to His own name, his own glory, his own fame, etc. This relates to the doctrine of divine simplicity in that even God's wrath is loving, because it contains no compromise of Himself. When God is wrathful, he is upholding and loving His own name, His own glory, by punishing those who slight it.
So the idea that God loves Himself does not exclude His showing that love which He already has to humanity. But all deeds and expressions of love which God demonstrates serve this primary purpose: expressing God's self-love. If this does not happen, then God's love is compromised. It becomes an idolatrous and unfaithful kind of love. Any and everything which God does is rooted in love... of Himself, first and foremost.
So when we see God's wrath, we are seeing love. Albeit, a very God-centered type of love which most evangelicals have scarcely ever considered. In the same way, when we hear and receive the offer of salvation found in Jesus, we are also seeing God's love for Himself. This salvation serves to emphasize and display God's graciousness to his enemies. Evangelicals, for the most part, have exclusivized God's love to this second manifestation. They can scarcely see what is so loving about God's wrath, but they think they see lots of loving things about His mercy.
If we have really been thinking in this way, then we will be more troubled by salvation than we will by damnation. Salvation presents enormous problems for God's love. This is because in salvation, we have God, a good judge, acting like a bad judge and acquitting the guilty. He appears to regard His own name lightly. In saving sinners, He appears not to love and defend His own name. There are far more problems in God's pardoning the wicked than there are in his executing justice upon deserving sinners.
So look at the complaint before us, once again. "How does God call Himself love when the majority of His creation is going to be separated from Him for all eternity?" The question assumes that the height of love is for the creature to find union with God in eternity. And no doubt, there is a tremendous amount of truth to that - especially from the human perspective. But when looked at from the divine perspective, the complaint becomes a wash. "God is love" is compatible with any and all of God's actions, so long as He is always acting in a way which primarily promotes His own fame.
This understanding of God's essence as "loving" lays the essential groundwork for a true, robust, Biblically faithful understanding of election. If we don't have this groundwork, then we'll constantly be saying, "But He could have done more! He could have been more loving!" These complaints fall away once we can see God's love in his wrath and his justice. The Biblical mindset, then, does not protest, but instead cries out, "Show us your glory! Show us your justice! Show us your grace! Show us Yourself!" It does not - nay, it cannot - complain that God has not been enough of this, or enough of that.
We ought to consider, as well, that the number of the elect who will inhabit heaven and worship the Lord of Glory will be more numerous than the sands of the sea (Jer. 33:22). This is no small number. I have pointed out in another post that around 635 billion people are estimated to have lived throughout history. If even a small fraction of this number receive the gift of salvation, then we would regard the population of heaven as being numberless. Consider that the population of Phoenix, AZ, where I used to live has a population of around 4.3 million. I daresay that if God had only saved 4 million people in all of human history, we ought to consider it a tremendous number. And yet the number is surely even larger than that. The hosts of heaven will be so many that we will be daunted by the men and women purchased by our Lord.
Given what I have already said, even here there is no room to complain. There is no room to struggle against the doctrine of election or the number of the saved. Any complaint or charge of injustice or cruelty on the part of God is dwarfed by the love of God for Himself and His own name.
The first thing to do when approaching this question is to get the concepts right from the get-go. When most people hear the phrase "God is love," they think to themselves that it means "God loves me." In reality, it is a statement that is rooted in the ontology (the nature) of God's very character. If God is love, then He has always eternally been love; and this love cannot be predicated merely upon the existence of human beings. Otherwise, John would have rooted the concept of God's love in mankind. Rather, the Apostle John says, "God is love." God loves Himself, and has always loved Himself. All of his action reflects a love of and a commitment to His own name, his own glory, his own fame, etc. This relates to the doctrine of divine simplicity in that even God's wrath is loving, because it contains no compromise of Himself. When God is wrathful, he is upholding and loving His own name, His own glory, by punishing those who slight it.
So the idea that God loves Himself does not exclude His showing that love which He already has to humanity. But all deeds and expressions of love which God demonstrates serve this primary purpose: expressing God's self-love. If this does not happen, then God's love is compromised. It becomes an idolatrous and unfaithful kind of love. Any and everything which God does is rooted in love... of Himself, first and foremost.
So when we see God's wrath, we are seeing love. Albeit, a very God-centered type of love which most evangelicals have scarcely ever considered. In the same way, when we hear and receive the offer of salvation found in Jesus, we are also seeing God's love for Himself. This salvation serves to emphasize and display God's graciousness to his enemies. Evangelicals, for the most part, have exclusivized God's love to this second manifestation. They can scarcely see what is so loving about God's wrath, but they think they see lots of loving things about His mercy.
If we have really been thinking in this way, then we will be more troubled by salvation than we will by damnation. Salvation presents enormous problems for God's love. This is because in salvation, we have God, a good judge, acting like a bad judge and acquitting the guilty. He appears to regard His own name lightly. In saving sinners, He appears not to love and defend His own name. There are far more problems in God's pardoning the wicked than there are in his executing justice upon deserving sinners.
So look at the complaint before us, once again. "How does God call Himself love when the majority of His creation is going to be separated from Him for all eternity?" The question assumes that the height of love is for the creature to find union with God in eternity. And no doubt, there is a tremendous amount of truth to that - especially from the human perspective. But when looked at from the divine perspective, the complaint becomes a wash. "God is love" is compatible with any and all of God's actions, so long as He is always acting in a way which primarily promotes His own fame.
This understanding of God's essence as "loving" lays the essential groundwork for a true, robust, Biblically faithful understanding of election. If we don't have this groundwork, then we'll constantly be saying, "But He could have done more! He could have been more loving!" These complaints fall away once we can see God's love in his wrath and his justice. The Biblical mindset, then, does not protest, but instead cries out, "Show us your glory! Show us your justice! Show us your grace! Show us Yourself!" It does not - nay, it cannot - complain that God has not been enough of this, or enough of that.
We ought to consider, as well, that the number of the elect who will inhabit heaven and worship the Lord of Glory will be more numerous than the sands of the sea (Jer. 33:22). This is no small number. I have pointed out in another post that around 635 billion people are estimated to have lived throughout history. If even a small fraction of this number receive the gift of salvation, then we would regard the population of heaven as being numberless. Consider that the population of Phoenix, AZ, where I used to live has a population of around 4.3 million. I daresay that if God had only saved 4 million people in all of human history, we ought to consider it a tremendous number. And yet the number is surely even larger than that. The hosts of heaven will be so many that we will be daunted by the men and women purchased by our Lord.
Given what I have already said, even here there is no room to complain. There is no room to struggle against the doctrine of election or the number of the saved. Any complaint or charge of injustice or cruelty on the part of God is dwarfed by the love of God for Himself and His own name.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Putting the Historical Population Into Perspective
Posted by
Adam Parker
It is estimated that 271 million people lived in the world prior to the time of Christ. Since the coming of Jesus, 635 billion have been born and died.* To put this into perspective, I created this graph to accurately represent the ratio in visible form:

I'm not even sure you can see the blue section that represents the world population, B.C. but it is the thin blue sliver in the top of the chart. So in all of history, it is estimated that roughly 635.3 billion people have walked the earth, and of that number, only 0.3 billion lived prior to the sacrifice of Christ and the ingrafting of the Gentiles into the seed of Abraham.
I'm sure that this data has apologetic significance. Especially for those who think it was cruel of God to wait thousands of years into human history before sending the Savior to redeem the world.
*I got this data from Wikipedia, so if Dave in Cincinatti decides to revise the world population, then this chart will have to be modified, as well.

I'm not even sure you can see the blue section that represents the world population, B.C. but it is the thin blue sliver in the top of the chart. So in all of history, it is estimated that roughly 635.3 billion people have walked the earth, and of that number, only 0.3 billion lived prior to the sacrifice of Christ and the ingrafting of the Gentiles into the seed of Abraham.
I'm sure that this data has apologetic significance. Especially for those who think it was cruel of God to wait thousands of years into human history before sending the Savior to redeem the world.
*I got this data from Wikipedia, so if Dave in Cincinatti decides to revise the world population, then this chart will have to be modified, as well.
R.C. Sproul's Commentary on John Free Today for Kindle
Posted by
Adam Parker

In John, Dr. Sproul confesses that he attained a new depth of understanding of the Gospel when he preached through the book. Nevertheless, he came to the Gospel after much study of it, and that familiarity is readily apparent from the first chapter on the Prologue of John's Gospel to the final chapter on Peter's restoration.
John includes fifty-seven chapters, each of which began as a St. Andrew's sermon. Dr. Sproul deals with major themes as he moves through the book passage by passage. Though the book is an "expositional commentary" that is, it does not deal with each and every verse, it unpacks major themes in Dr. Sproul's easily understandable style. Readers will find invaluable insights into the goals John had in writing his Gospel, the background for Jesus' time, and the meanings of some of John's most difficult passages.
John is an easily readable introduction to this unique record of Jesus' life, packed with insights and exhortations that will draw the reader closer to the Savior and encourage him or her to a greater depth of love and devotion to Him.
Let me just say that you can still download and read this book on your computer, even if you don't have a Kindle (yet). You can learn about reading these books on your computer here.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turning Tail on Black Friday (And Repenting)
Posted by
Adam Parker

I will confess; I originally intended to go to Walmart at midnight because I heard from their ad that I could get a Buzz and Jessie doll (from Toy Story) for $15 (marked down from $25). These were two toys my wife and I had decided we would purchase for our children for Christmas, and the prospect of saving $20 piqued my curiosity.
So, 11:30 rolls around and I decide I will mosey into Walmart and scope out the situation. The first thing I notice is that all of the carts are gone. A most terrifying omen, indeed. As I enter the store, things were calm and quiet. I thought, "All is well here. Perhaps these Toy Story figurines are in the back of the store." I assumed correctly. As I enter the rear of the store, the first sight I see is about twenty women standing in a circle, surrounding a display case which is covered from top to bottom in black plastic. These women are standing perfectly still, like disciplined soldiers. They are shoulder to shoulder, and there is no room to get between them. You can't even tell what they're waiting for, except for the fact that Buzz Lightyear's arm sees visible through a gap in the plastic.
"Holy moly!" I think. "If I want one of those toys, I have to - what - crawl over these people or something?" The other thought in my head was, "Do I dare join them?" But a glance at my watch told me there were still twenty minutes to go before these midnight sales became available. Now, aside from these women surrounding the display case, there were many more people who had not fully committed to the level the early birds were committed to, because they were all hanging back trying to look all casual. Much like myself, you see.
Further down the length of the store, another even larger crowd had conglomerated around a case of DVDs. Apparently, people were willing to wait in this giant crowd so they could get a copy of Ice Age for $5. Trust me, I've seen the movie; it's not that great. Plus, you could probably find it for $2 on Craigslist if you looked hard enough.
So I turned on my heels and left as fast as I could. There is no way that this was me. I may be one of these people at heart, but I refuse to live like them. I may be an American, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Other people can fight like animals so they can save a few bucks. As for me, I'd rather turn tail, go home, and blog about it so that I can confirm myself in my self-righteousness.
What I really needed to do is go home and repent of my worldliness and beg God to help me love and not disdain the people in this crowd. I think that's what I'll do right now.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How Miley Cyrus' 18th B-Day Exposes Modern Man's Hypocricy
Posted by
Adam Parker

Society is composed of individuals, the majority of whom disregard Jesus' command not to lust after someone. In fact, society at large has augmented the command to "thou shalt not lust after someone who is under age."
Secular man is a tremendously effective moralist - provided he be allowed to set the rules. If you don't believe this, simply watch an episode of Dateline: To Catch a Predator. If there is one group of monsters which Americans are happy to lynch unmercifully, it is pedophiles. Americans can all agree that pedophilia is wrong, and they will jump on the first person who has sex with a person who is under 18 years old. And yet what of lust in the heart?
Don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to minimize the horror or evil of pedophilia. Pedophilia is gross and perverse. Instead of minimize the ugliness of pedophilia, I am actually trying to maximize the evil of lust in general and demonstrate how Americans set boundaries within which they can feel moral in exercising their lustful cravings, so long as they don't cross their own established line.
To relate this thought with the current subject, many men feel that they are 'behaving themselves' if they wait until a woman is of a particular age before thinking sexual thoughts about them. A version of this belief is actually tolerated by women as well, and so men alone cannot be blamed for our present state of affairs. Both genders create and tolerate their own mores. All things then considered, we actually live in a society of prudes and moralists who are very proud that they are obeying their own laws and who will utterly and mercilessly disembowel those who break their rules.
Our own society, while bragging of its tolerance and kindness, has a list of its own wrongs which it will not forgive. If John Hathorne was an unforgiving monster, then modern man is ten times the monster to those who break its own rules. But these rules are easy to follow, providing you are not a pedophile, a Christian, a serial killer or a bigot.
Crazy Kindle Price for Black Friday
Posted by
Adam Parker
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. Here's something to be thankful for. You know how much I keep trumpeting the Kindle and how much I love it. Well apparently on Black Friday, Amazon will be selling the old-school Kindle 2 (the model I have, which I love) for $89. Considering I paid over $200 for mine in January, that's a pretty significant deal. This is the Kindle, by the way, that already comes with free 3G access for life. The newer Kindles are a little smaller, a little lighter, and $40 cheaper, typically, but they come with wi-fi capability instead of the 3G. If you follow this link on Friday, then it should have a pretty amazing price listed on it although until then it won't say anything very exciting.
Also, I just thought I'd mention this. Right now, you can buy each of the Lord of the Rings movies (theatrical versions) for $7.99 each on Blu-Ray right now. I'm sure this will change by the end of the day, as Amazon keeps doing crazy stuff with their prices, leading up to Friday.
Also, I just thought I'd mention this. Right now, you can buy each of the Lord of the Rings movies (theatrical versions) for $7.99 each on Blu-Ray right now. I'm sure this will change by the end of the day, as Amazon keeps doing crazy stuff with their prices, leading up to Friday.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
St. Anselm's Cur Deus Homo: A Rookie's Eye View
Posted by
Adam Parker

I have little understanding of the nuances of Anselm's theology beyond my own reading of The Monologion and Proslogion during my undergraduate studies. Not a fan of the Ontological argument myself (and I believe Van Til regarded it as a completely autonomous, man-centered non-argument) I nevertheless have a huge appreciation for Anselm's piety, his wisdom, his intellect, and for his faithfulness in articulating and defending the Christian understanding of the atonement.
Having finished the book, however, I was most pleased to find such a remarkable and straightforward statement of the Gospel from a period which many Christians regard as a dark time in the church's history. To read someone like Athanasius or Anselm and to see the Gospel light shine so brightly and clearly is incredibly satisfying. Sure Anselm makes some questionable statements at times, but it is possible to have a problem with some of the trees and yet still completely love this forest. One thing which I have heard is that Calvin's understanding of the atonement differs somewhat from Anselm's. I would need to do further study to understand the nuances between their views, but for my own part I presently have not noticed any significant differences.
Among other things, I noticed in the book that Anselm has a very high view of Divine sovereignty. At one point in the book, Anselm states quite clearly that God decrees sins.
Another thing which I noticed was that Anselm's unfortunately named sparring partner, Boso, reminds me a great deal of a hip-hop style 'hype man.' Check out these zingers:
- "No reasonable being can think otherwise."
- "All that you say is satisfactory to me."
- "Your speech gratifies my heart."
- "Nothing can be more sound."
- The list goes on. Boso really respects Anselm.
The student is half afraid to meet one of the great philosophers face to face. He feels himself inadequate and thinks he will not understand him. But if he only knew, the great man, just because of his greatness, is much more intelligible than his modern commentator.Most importantly, reading Anselm's Cur Deus Homo reminded me of the terrible weight of my own sin before a holy God, and of the greatness of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who bore my own wrath on the tree and took upon himself all that was mine, so that I would receive all that is his.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Jesus the Evangelist by Richard Phillips for Free Kindle Download
Posted by
Adam Parker

The book is written for two audiences. The first is the many committed Christians who do little in the way of evangelism. This book is meant to enhance the zeal of these people by emboldening their witness with biblical wisdom, guidance and instruction. The second audience is those who are zealous in their witness but who would profit from understanding Jesus' approach to evangelism that they may ensure they are evangelizing in a way that is consistent with Scripture. After all, many who seek to witness for Christ in reality do nothing that genuinely approaches biblical evangelism. Phillips hopes to instruct these people so their knowledge may match their zeal.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Extraordinary Afghani Prison Epistle
Posted by
Adam Parker
World Magazine obtained this extraordinary letter from our brother in the Lord, Sayed Mossa in Afghanistan. Simply extraordinary. I tried to read this letter aloud to my wife, but I kept crying. I hope my fellow Christians will read Mossa's letter, which is written in broken English and take courage from it. Let us pray that the government will have mercy and free our friend. In this letter, Mossa repeatedly calls himself a great sinner ("sinest man" is what he calls himself) and speaks of the suffering he endures because of his faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. He signs the letter "Your destitute brother in the Lord."
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Top 10 Signs You Are No Longer Young, Restless, and Reformed
Posted by
Adam Parker

Sign #2: Your 'Jonathan Edwards is My Homeboy' shirt is faded and now simply reads, 'Jonathan Edwards is My Home."
Sign #3: You now read your ESV Bible more than you read John Piper.
Sign #4: You've considered writing a book (for P&R rather than Crossway), Old, Well-Rested, and Reformed. [Copyright: Adam Parker, 2010] (You want the name, Collin Hansen!? Come back in 30 years and just try to get it!)
Sign #5: You find yourself warning newbies about 'the cage stage,' and then you find yourself reminiscing about terrorizing unsuspecting Arminians back in your day.
Sign #6: You actually know who Van Til is.
Sign #7: You have decided that is is okay to plod.
Sign #8: Your iPod now has more sermons by Sinclair Ferguson than it does of Mark Driscoll.
Sign #9: Drinking beer may still be a pleasure for you, but it isn't as cool as it used to be.
Sign #10: You just had your child baptized.
[What follows are the apocryphal signs, not to be confused with the top 10.]
Sign #11: Your Ty Pennington hairdo is starting to look less Pennington and more Luther.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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