I wanted to let our readers know that I will be out of town for about 10 days (starting today). I am travailing to Washington D.C. with Dr. Miles Van Pelt and a few students from RTS Jackson to take Advanced Biblical Exegesis at the D.C. campus of RTS. I have no idea if I will be able to get online while I am gone, so I may not be able to post any new articles or respond to comments. However, you can rest assured that as soon as I get back I will follow up in the comment section and have pictures from the trip to post. Please pray for our trip. I think the drive is something like 15 hours. I have never been in a car that long before in my life. I hope my ADD stays in-check! Also, pray that the class will go well and the students learn to better handle the word of our glorious God and King, Jesus Christ.
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